
Occupational Safety Initiatives

The DOWA group holds "Joint Cross-Checking Safety Patrol" sessions, environmental safety compliance seminars and risk assessment presentations jointly with its business entities in Japan every year on a periodic basis and promotes safety activities throughout the group.

Initiatives in Japan

As a specific extension of the "Company-wide Safety Campaign Project" launched in FY2012, we checked the current gap between "Vision" = "The most effective safety activity approach", and formulated improvement plans for realizing the vision in each business entity in FY2013. In FY2014, each company implemented specific initiatives based on the formulated improvement plans.

District Meetings

To strengthen the activities of the company-wide safety campaign project, executive offices (representative companies) were setup in each district, and "District Meetings" were launched to share and give mutual advice etc. on the activity status of each company in the district, from FY2013. In FY2014, we are aiming to improve the activities in each district, such as crosschecking patrols or feedback of precedents across the group etc. based mainly on this district meeting.


Initiatives outside Japan

We have started initiatives to share the issues and activities of each business entity, through joint crosschecking safety patrol sessions between locations from FY2013, in Southeast Asia where many of the business entities of the DOWA group are located. In FY2014, we made efforts in educational activities, such as training by visits to Japan of employees in charge of safety at overseas locations. The objective of this was to train human resources responsible for enhancing workplace skills.

Visit Japan for Training Program and Follow-up Meetings

A "Visit Japan for Training Program" targeting staff outside Japan was launched newly from FY2014. It was conducted thrice from September to November. 14 trainees from Thailand and China visited Japan and attended lectures and practical training on safety, such as educational courses on facility maintenance and experiencing risks etc., over a period of 4 days. The Technical Training Center of the DOWA group and Safety Training Center of DOWA Metals were utilized for this training program.
In January 2015, we held a follow-up meeting targeting the training participants in Thailand. In the activity reports of selfmaintenance of facilities and 5S activities that were developed in-house etc. after the training, examples of in-house lecture development utilizing the course text and selfproduction of risk simulation training equipment etc. were introduced, and we found that the learnings of the training were being utilized locally.

Local Education of Safety Activities

With the safety level improvement of our Southeast Asian companies as a key theme, we are providing guidance and support by business trips from Japan. We expanded the 5S activities kickoff support and individualized education of employees in charge of safety in FY2014. We are regularly implementing these by focusing on safety activity awareness and specific methods to proceed in the OJT format. We will continue effective local education in future also by linking it with the Visit Japan for Training program, so that the activities of the local staff take root.

EHS Initiatives in India

Environment, safety and disaster prevention education is being implemented continuously, based on the EHS policy (Environment, Health and Safety policy), in India’s HIGHTEMP Inc. Particularly, a lot of effort is being put in for occupational safety, such as establishing safety guidelines for each facility and operation, publishing accident checks using checklists on a bulletin board, conducting daily EHS meetings, installing multiple first aid boxes with easily visible contents in the factory etc.

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State of Occurrence of Work-related Accidents

Compared with figures for offices of comparable size in the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare accidents statistics, in FY2014, frequency rate was 1.21 against 2.53 and severity rate was 0.03 against 0.24. Both values are lower than accident statistics.

* Compared with FY2013 accidents statistics definite value when number of employees was 30 ~ 99 (average number of employees in our offices)

  • Frequency

    Indicator representing the frequency of accidents based on number of casualties due to industrial accidents per 1,000,000 total working hours
  • Severity

    Indicator representing the severity of accidents based on number of labor days lost due to industrial accidents per 1,000 total working hours

Trends in occupational accedents frequency rate Trends in work related injuries severity rate

Promotion of Health Management

In DOWA group, we believe that it is important that all the employees work in a healthy and lively manner in both mind and body, and that "Health" is the basis of "Human development".

Health Check Up

We are developing a variety of initiatives in order to raise the awareness of all the employees towards health, so that they can maintain their physical and mental health. In addition to working in departments and business units to ensure all employees visit the regular health checkup every year, we are making most of various subsidy programs such as complete medical checkups and gynecological medical checkup etc. Also, we have carried out various initiatives directed at improving consultation rate of specific medical checkup intended for insured person aged 40 or more and nonworking dependents. Further, through sports and exercise, we also provide a subsidy system for sporting events for employees so that they continue to maintain and promote a healthy body.

Mental Health Initiatives

For health management of minds of the employees (Mental Health Management), we operate a mental health counseling system, and have provided a dedicated line where employees can receive telephonic and in-person consultations by a professional counselor (clinical psychologist).ImageIllustAlso, since FY2013, we have also introduced self-check tools that can be used for self-diagnosis of mental health, for achieving prevention of mental illnesses by enhancing the awareness of own stress condition.

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