The DOWA Group established a Sustainability Committee and a Sustainability Subcommittee. under the Sustainability Committee, to promote sustainability initiatives across the Group based on our mission and our Sustainability Basic Policy.The content of the theme is a discussion on key sustainability issues, including the nine social issues that the DOWA Group Must Address (The DOWA Group’s Materiality) .
The Sustainability Committee is chaired by the president and representative director and consists of full-time directors, executive officers, and persons in charge of subcommittees, working groups, etc., dedicated to each theme.This Committee is held twice a year in principle, and deliberates and makes decisions regarding evaluating risks and opportunities that could significantly impact the Group’s business strategies, important policies and measures related to sustainability and also tracking the progress of these measures.This Committee reports risks and opportunities of particular importance to the Board of Directors, and are subject to regular supervision.
The Sustainability Subcommittee is chaired by the Director of the Corporate Strategy Dept. and is made up of various HD department heads and the director of the Corporate Planning Office, creating a system to promote initiatives across the Group through cooperation with related departments. This subcommittee meets monthly to examine policies and countermeasures and check on the progress of initiatives related to the nine themes of the Group’s materiality. This Subcommittee reports risks and opportunities of particular importance to the Sustainability Committee, and deliberates on these issues.