DOWA CSR Report 2019


To continue to be a company that is trusted by society, the DOWA Group has positioned the strengthening of corporate governance as a key management issue, and is working on it based on the “DOWA Group’s Values and Code of Conduct”.

CSR Policy

  • We will aim to be an open and transparent company
  • Taking into consideration international initiatives, we will work on anti-corruption including bribery
  • We will take CSR into consideration in our procurement

Progress of Activities

 Following is the status of activities for FY 2018 and the plan for FY 2019 in the field of corporate governance.

FY 2018 Results

Corporate Governance Priority Measures Tasks Indicator Evaluation Main Results
Internal control and governance Supporting internal control activities of domestic and overseas companies Prepare an executive handbook Explanation of responsibilities during executive training
Compliance and risk management Conducting briefing sessions about harassment 3 times 700 participants
CSR procurement promotion Revise the promotion system and methods Implement a revision based on exchanges with other types of industries By participating in the Global Compact Network Japan Supply Chain Subcommittee, collaborated and cooperated with other companies
Promote in-house education Implement CSR procurement training targeting those responsible for procurement Development of original training tools, and training for a total of 66 procurement staff and new employees

FY 2019 Initiatives and Goals

Internal control and governance Establish a nominating committee   Establish
No. of important deficiencies that should be disclosed Zero incidences
Compliance and risk management Conduct compliance training for those posted overseas   Conduct compliance training in group training of foreign location managers
CSR procurement promotion Create an education tool through collaboration with other companies   One incidence

Corporate Governance

 The DOWA Group positions the strengthening of corporate governance as one of the highest management tasks, and we are working on group-wide efforts to develop and operate a system that is effective and efficient in contributing to society and for internal control.

Corporate Governance System

 At the DOWA Group, in order to operate the organization soundly and efficiently, and at the same time to speed up decision making and to boost management efficiency, in addition to adopting an executive officer system, we have adopted a holding company system and have separated our business divisions into subsidiaries. In addition, by establishing the board of corporate auditors, and by appointing outside directors, we are trying to ensure the soundness of management.

Organization chart

Board of Directors and Directors

 The board of directors is composed of eight directors (seven men and one woman), including two outside directors appointed in consideration of their expertise and background, with attendance by four auditors, including three outside auditors. With regards to their decisions for business execution and the supervisory function of the board of directors, we evaluate the effectiveness of the board of directors every year with the aim of continuous improvement.  In the fiscal year that ended in March 2019, the board of directors met 15 times, and the attendance rate of outside directors was 100%. In addition,outside directors and auditors hold regular meetings to exchange opinions and ensure cooperation.

Board of Directors / Directors

Evaluation results on the effectiveness of the board of directors

 We conducted a questionnaire (self-evaluation) for all directors and auditors, including those outside the company, and through discussions with the board of directors, analyzed and evaluated the effectiveness of the entire board of directors.

Implementation Details|evaluation done through a questionnaire

Board of director meetings held from April 2018 to March 2019 (total of 15 times)
All directors and auditors
It was confirmed that the frequency of meetings of the board of directors, and the proceedings of the chair, are appropriate, and the board of directors has become a venue for free and vigorous discussion, and that its effectiveness has been sufficiently secured, including its composition and agenda items.

Future initiatives to improve effectiveness

While there were some improvements in the analysis and review of company-wide risk assessment methods, and the measures taken to implement the midterm management plan, which were cited as issues last fiscal year, opinions were expressed that continuous improvement was desirable. Based on this, going forward we will continue working to further improve the effectiveness of the board of directors.

With regards to basic policies and initiatives about governance, please see our report about corporate governance.

Status of voluntary committees that have been established

 With the advice of the compensation committee, which consists of outside directors and outside experts, the executive compensation system is designed to incorporate an objective perspective, such as the consolidated business results of our group, dividends to shareholders and external compensation levels. For particularly important matters, such as the appointment and dismissal of executive managers, the nominating committee has been established to obtain advice from an objective position. Both committees consist of five or more members, including two outside directors, one outside auditor and one outside expert. The chairperson is elected by the board of directors and, in principle, the committees meets once a year or more.


 At the DOWA Group," compliance" is positioned as the basis of corporate management. The" DOWA Group's Values and Code of Conduct" has been established for each employee to not only comply with the laws and regulations, but also carry out activities in accordance with the common sense of society. Together with contributing to society through our business activities, the whole group is working to establish and operate an effective internal control system. In addition, each company in the DOWA Group aims to improve the awareness of compliance as they deal with the annual internal audit.

Internal Control Activities

 In order to strengthen corporate governance in the DOWA Group, the holding company and each group company share the basic policy and basic system for internal control, and by utilizing the uniqueness of each company for specific activities, we are aiming for an effective and efficient internal control according to the holding company system.

Internal Audit

The internal audit based on the internal audit rules prescribed by the DOWA Group involves all corporate activities, such as the accounting audit, legal audit and safety & environmental audit. It is implemented with the cooperation of relevant departments and each group company. The audit results are reported to the directors, auditors and the relevant departments. In FY 2018, as part of strengthening internal control, we conducted internal audits at eight domestic companies, and overseas we conducted internal audits at 15 companies in North America, Southeast Asia and China.

Please refer to our annual report on the basic policy and operation status with regards to the internal control system.

Internal Reporting System

 In order to encourage early detection of risks associated with corporate activities, and aiming for employees to feel more secure and comfortable in the workplace environment, we have set up a "DOWA Consultation Desk" that allows direct consultation with external lawyers. Confidentiality concerning the report, and that the person reporting is not subject to disadvantageous treatment, are both guaranteed, and it becomes commonly known through the intranet, posters and group reports.
 Moreover, in order to build a healthier partnership with suppliers and cooperating companies, we have also set up a point of contact at the DOWA Consultation Desk for those outside our company, and have made it possible for employees of suppliers and cooperating companies to use it. At this point of contact, confidentiality is kept for the consultations made and opinions given, and we respond promptly and appropriately.

Risk Management

 The DOWA Group works on risk management with the goal of properly controlling risks that may hinder the realization of our business philosophy and achievement of our business plans, and to fulfill our social responsibilities, and to contribute to the improvement of our sustainable corporate value. Among the risks surrounding the group, the board of directors is responsible for“ business risks”, and the environmental and safety department is responsible for“ CSR risks” in cooperation with other departments.

Risk Management

Business Continuity Plan (BCP) Initiatives

 In addition to large-scale earthquakes, by regions and offices we have formulated business continuity plans (BCP) for natural disasters such as typhoons and floods caused by torrential rain that have been increasing in recent years, and pandemics such as new strains of influenza. We are working to avoid risks in order to continue business activities in emergency situations.

Continuous improvement of the BCP

 We revise the BCP on a regular basis, and in FY 2018, 18 operating subsidiaries updated their BCPs, and revised such things as the scale of disasters, response procedures and target recovery periods. In addition, measures are being promoted that incorporate practical activities such as revision of disaster-related manuals and the addition of stored items.

Survey of BCP Formulation in Supply Chain

 The DOWA Group mainly deals with B to B business, and since a disruption of the supply chain has a big impact on the production and sales of customers that we deliver to, through CSR procurement, we are checking with major suppliers about their status for formulating BCP with regards to rapid business restoration and continuation in the event of a disaster. For suppliers who have not yet formulated such plans, we explain the importance of the initiative and request strengthening of their BCP measures. Also, when natural disasters such as heavy snowfall or typhoons occur, the procurement department at the head office promptly confirms the impact on production and shipment based on the list of supplier production sites by region.

Implementing Company-Wide Disaster Drills

 We carry out company-wide disaster drills twice a year. We set up emergency headquarters at each level of the holding company, operating companies and business divisions, and we aim to maintain and improve initial response capabilities such as confirming the safety of our employees and reporting the damage situation between each emergency headquarters.

Introduction of a safety information confirmation system

 In order to ensure prompt contact and confirmation of someone’s safety in the event of a disaster, we have introduced a safety information confirmation system using smartphones to strengthen our disaster prevention system. In the disaster drill for FY 2018, we conducted a safety information gathering drill using this system, confirmed that information could be collected promptly, and successfully completed the drill.

Implementing Company-Wide Disaster Drills

Participation in International Organizations and Consortium

 In March 2009, the DOWA Group endorsed and signed the UN Global Compact (UNGC), which are voluntary principles of corporate action proposed by the United Nations. We respect the 10 principles in the four fields of “human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption” that are listed in the UN Global Compact, and we are working toward the sustainable development of society.

The 10 Principles of the UN Global Compact

Human rights
  1. Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights.
  2. Make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.
  1. Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;
  2. the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor;
  3. the effective abolition of child labor;
  4. the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
  1. Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;
  2. undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility;
  3. encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
  1. Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

 We reflect the principles of the Global Compact, such as respect for human rights and elimination of child labor, in the formulation of our CSR procurement policies and guidelines. We are also actively participating in the activities of the Global Compact Network Japan (GCNJ), UNGC’s local network in Japan. In FY 2018, we participated in the “Supply Chain Subcommittee” of GCNJ, and while cooperating with various companies, we work to promote its activities.

Global Compact Network Japan

Initiatives for Human Rights and Anti-Corruption

 Based on the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact, the DOWA Group prohibits unfair discrimination, child labor and forced labor due to nationality, race, ethnicity, religion, gender, age or disability, and works to prevent corruption. Regarding human rights, we conduct a questionnaire annually of our operating subsidiaries, including offices overseas, and work to understand the current situation.

Harassment Training

 In FY 2018, we held harassment training for managers throughout the group. An outside lawyer, who is in charge of the DOWA Consultation Desk, was invited to give lectures on the legal status and risks related to power harassment and sexual harassment, and specific criteria based on precedent. The training was held three times by connecting the Tokyo headquarters, the venue of the event, and offices nationwide, via video conference, and was attended by more than 700 people, including managers and voluntary participants.

Harassment Training

In addition to training and education, we disseminated information by putting up posters at our offices and through the intranet, etc., and worked to prevent workplace harassment.

Initiatives to Eliminate Antisocial Forces

 As included in the “DOWA Group’s Values and Code of Conduct”, to fulfill our corporate social responsibility, we will eliminate wrongdoing due to antisocial forces, and require all executives and employees to be aware and act. We have established a system in which related departments cooperate with each other, centering on the general affairs and legal affairs departments in charge, and stipulate that there will be cooperation and organizational response with external specialized groups, such as lawyers, as necessary. In addition, while ensuring that all executives and employees comply with the code of conduct and the related laws and regulations through employee training and distribution of manuals, the status of compliance is monitored through internal audits.

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