DOWA CSR Report 2019

CSR Policy and Plan

●Concept of the CSR plan and the goals

 At the DOWA Group, in the four priority areas of governance, safety, environment and society for our CSR policy, we have set the" Vision for 2020" as our medium-term goal. While seeing this vision as a goal that can be feasibly achieved, as priority measures for issues that should be treated preferentially, we have set up an action plan to realize this with single year initiatives and goals, and are promoting repeated action, evaluation and measures.
 For details about the results of the initiatives by area for FY2018, please see the report by area from the next page.


"Vision for 2020"

 At each of the DOWA Group companies, "S+ESG" management based on the CSR policy has become established, and through minimizing management risk at the same time as improving corporate value, we are contributing to solving global social issues

Areas CSR Policy Medium-Term Goals
"Vision for 2020"
Priority Measures Indicator FY 2020
Activity Plan for FY2019
Initiative Goal
Corporate Governance Results

●We will aim to be an open and transparent company

●Taking into consideration international initiatives, we will work on anti-corruption including bribery

●We will take CSR into consideration in our procurement

●Promoting sound business management by ensuring sufficient functions, appropriate information disclosure and transparency for internal control systems Strengthening of internal control and governance No. of important deficiencies that should be disclosed Zero incidences Establish a nominating committee Establish
No. of important deficiencies that should be disclosed Zero incidences
●By each employee carrying out appropriate activities based on the "DOWA Group's Values and Code of Conduct", promoting business management that does not give rise to any kind of fraud or corruption Strengthening of compliance and risk management Implementation rate of internal education and briefings 100% Conduct compliance training for those posted overseas Conduct compliance training in group training of foreign location managers
●Promoting CSR throughout the whole supply chain by building partnerships with suppliers CSR procurement promotion Coverage rate for supplier surveys ※Excluding construction contractors 80% on a transaction amount basis Create an education tool through collaboration with other companies One incidence
Safety Results

●All employees will independently take part in activities to improve the level of health and safety based on our basic philosophy of "safety takes the priority over everything"

●We will prevent accidents at work and will support the health of our employees

●Appropriately manage and minimize occupational safety risks in the workplace, and make a comfortable and safe working environment a reality Raising the company-wide safety level Frequency rate※1 1.0 or less Implementation of safety audits & safety and health examinations from an objective viewpoint Frequency rate 1.5 or less
Severity rate 0.01 or less Severity rate 0.02 or less
Strengthening of safety education in subsidiaries outside Japan No. of times education is implemented 20 times in total Strengthen maintenance education Cut in half the incidence of accidents at the time of repairs
No. of persons educated 200 people in total
Environment Results

●We will provide customers (clients and regions) with products and services that contribute to building a recycling-oriented society

●We will reduce environmental impacts and risks in our business activities.

●From managers to employees, we will be unified in working on environmental conservation activities

●We will promote business activities that consider biodiversity

●Be responsible for the essentials of the international resource recycling network in Asia and the Pacific rim area Strengthening of the recycling business:Collection volume, recycling volume and an increase in the number of elements, etc Collection volume of recyclable raw materials Increase from the preceding fiscal year Strengthening the collection of materials for recycling outside Japan Increase from the preceding fiscal year
●Realize effective reduction of CO2 emissions per unit by energy saving measures and actively utilizing renewable energy Improve the utilization ratio of renewable energy Strengthen energy saving initiatives Emission amount of CO2 emissions per unit Compared to FY 1990 15% reduction Promote renewal of energy-saving equipment and energy conversion Total greenhouse gas emissions Versus previous FY 1% reduction
●Properly manage the environmental risks of the workplace, and minimize the risk of environmental accidents happening Minimize the risk of environmental accidents and strengthen the ability to respond ※Environmental accidents: In cases where there is impact outside of the company and it is reported to the relevant agency No. of environmental accident occurrences Zero incidences Raising the level through seminar courses and mutual inspections of environment management systems 8 regions
●Promote biodiversity conservation activities in collaboration with the upstream and downstream of the supply chain Understand the biodiversity risk of suppliers Confirm consideration for the biodiversity situation at mines Survey rate for suppliers and mines 100% Confirm the biodiversity consideration status for mine-related suppliers Over 80% on a transaction amount basis
Social Results ●We will aim to create a workplace where diversity and the human rights of employees are respected, and each person can demonstrate their maximum abilities with satisfaction and pride ●While diverse human resources mutually respect each other, employees themselves select the diverse ways of working that are in line with their respective life stages and styles, and the company and teams support each other Promoting diversity Employment rate of people with disabilities※2 2.2% Employment for the physically challenged 2.2%
Attendance rate for education about promoting the success of women 100% Interview each office about conditions of the work environment Draft measures in order to create workplaces where it is easy to work
Expand global human resources and strengthen human resources and organizations at offices overseas Implement a global challenge program, short-term intensive English language training and training of foreign location managers
Strengthen relationships with universities and technical colleges, and develop routes to employ those with mechanical and electrical skills Clarify priority schools and routes for employment
Promoting work-life balance Rate of annual paid leave taken 70% Thorough knowledge within the company of the various systems Publicize handbooks to explain the systems
Encouragement of the use of annual paid vacation A rate of 70% for the days taken, and promote measures to encourage the taking of paid vacation
Promotion of measures to reduce working hours Thorough and strict observance of group management standards for working hours
●Establish a culture that fosters fair evaluation & treatment, with employees experiencing growth, results and satisfaction. Employees themselves create an organization where they compete with each other and support each other. Training of both evaluators and those being evaluated
Strengthen in-house human resources education
Support for career development done on the initiative of the employee
Employee degree of satisfaction
- Business planning system
90% Implement training of evaluators and briefings for those being evaluated 300 students
Conduct surveys about the degree of penetration and understanding of the personnel system A response rate of 100%(targeting 1,100 people)
Evaluation system education for new employees Attendance rate 100%
- Attendance rate 70% Implement career training for new and young employees Promote career planning seminars

Attendance rate 100%


Attendance rate 10%

●In unity with the local community, we will promote social contributions that reflect the unique characteristics of the local community ●Deploy inside and outside of Japan social contributions together with each region Promoting social contribution Activities related to education for children 4 times
Activities related to regional revitalization 4 times

※1:From this report, the frequency rate calculation method has been revised to the definition of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfar e
※2:The goal has been revised according to the statutory employment rate

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