
SafetyOccupational safety and health is one of the most important themes in the development of DOWA’s business. Based on the basic idea that “safety takes the priority over everything”, we have established organizations such as safety and health committees at all business sites in Japan & overseas, and we are developing various safety activities based on an annual plan.

Occupational Safety Initiatives

For the DOWA Group, based on the health and safety policy that “all employees will independently take part in activities to improve the level of health and safety”, based on our basic philosophy of “safety takes the priority over everything”, we have established organizations such as safety and health committees at all business sites, and we are developing various safety activities based on an annual safety and health plan.

Occurrence status for accidents at work

 While the number of labor disasters at the DOWA Group as a whole is on a downward trend in the long term, in fiscal 2017, a serious accident at work occurred in June. For this reason, compared with figures at business establishments of the same scale in the disaster statistics of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, the frequency rate is 0.91 against 1.02, but for the severity rate it is 0.64 against 0.08, showing that the severity rate is higher than the labor disaster statistics. Based on past serious disasters, a thorough examination of all items has been specified as mandatory in the safety and health plans of each business site, and we are strengthening our efforts.

Change in the accidents
at work frequency rate


Change in the accidents
at work severity rate


*In comparison with the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Labor Accident Trend Survey Manufacturing Industry Total (business sites with 100 or more people)

Frequency rate Indicator showing the frequency of disasters by the number of dead and injured due to accidents at work per 1.0 million total working hours
Severity rate Indicator showing the degree of labor disasters by the number of working days lost due to accidents at work per 1,000 total working hours

Promotion of safety education

DOWA Group risk assessment presentations

 For the sharing of the excellent initiatives of each group company, and to form a human network of those in charge, we hold a DOWA Group risk assessment presentation every June with the purpose of improving the level of safety initiatives at each company.
 For the seventh one this time, in addition to presenting the initiatives of the six domestic companies selected through advance judging, DOWA Thermotech Thailand, which achieved excellent results at the overseas safety conference, also announced their safety initiatives. About 60 people from Japan and abroad gathered at the venue, and active opinions were exchanged about each company's initiatives. After the presentations were over, they had a social gathering, and they were able to further exchange information and deepen friendships.

DOWA Group risk assessment presentation

DOWA Eco-System global management training

 At DOWA Eco-System, they have put efforts into safety education, and as part of that they are implementing a program where the managers from their Southeast Asian offices visit Japan for training. In a meeting room of the DOWA head office, the trainees again confirm that the policy of DOWA Holdings is “safety takes the priority over everything”. They also confirm that the policy does not change at the stage it is deployed in the operating companies and operating subsidiaries. In addition, they learn about the importance of senior management, such as executives, managers and leaders, taking the initiative to put “Safety First” into practice, and the importance of fostering a safety culture.

China Safety Conference

 For the “China Safety Conference” that started in 2011, we hold it about two or three times a year, with managers and those responsible for safety from the management company and offices in China attending, and managers and those responsible for safety from the environmental and safety department in Japan attending. In FY 2017 it was held twice - in September (Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province) and March (Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province). A safety cross patrol was done and there was an objective exchange of views by those responsible from different offices and departments in discussing accident and disaster cases. We are working to raise the safety level of all our offices in China.

A cross patrol at the China Safety Conference

Promotion of Health Management

At the DOWA Group, through the health insurance association, we are developing various initiatives for promoting the health management of employees and their families, such as promoting physical check-ups and mental health measures, and supporting sports events.

Health Check Up

 To increase each person's awareness of health and to maintain mental and physical health, besides working on a department and business site basis so that everyone reliably gets a regular medical check-up every year, we have also enhanced the system for various subsidies, such as for complete physical examinations, gynecological examinations and influenza vaccinations. In addition, in order to raise the examination rate for specific medical check-ups for insured persons and their dependents who are over 40 years old, we have provided information through such things as group newsletters, and the examination rate is gradually increasing.
 Further, provide a subsidy system for sporting events for employees through sports and exercise so that they continue to maintain and promote a healthy body.

Mental Health Initiatives

 At the DOWA Group, we operate a mental health counseling system for the mental health management of employees, and have established a dedicated telephone number for telephone consultations with specialized counselors (Clinical Psychologists). We have established a strictly private point of contact outside of the company that anyone can contact with peace of mind. Moreover, from FY 2013, in order to encourage people to be aware of their own stress, and to improve the workplace environment that is the cause of stress, we have introduced a stress check tool so that people can self-diagnose their mental health, and we are working to prevent employees from having mental health problems.

Initiatives to prevent overtime work

 At the DOWA Group, in order to improve long hours work, we are promoting management of working hours with logging in and logging out on personal computers. In addition, for employees who have more than 80 hours of overtime in a month, we are working on preventing health problems from work with such things as interviews with their supervisors and guidance from doctors.