
Focus Measures:Promoting social contribution

Communal Harmony and Symbiosis

For more than 20 years, PPLi, which operates its waste disposal business in Bogor County, Indonesia, conducts business with emphasis on understanding from local residents and appropriate communication.
PPLi has established departments for safety, environment, public relations, etc. as duty stations for CSR; besides, departments that are exclusively in charge of negotiations with local communities are also being set up. The local community PR staff visits nearby villages, interviews the local residents directly regarding their needs and wishes and conducts various regional contribution activities after discussion. Besides community contribution activities, we apply the voices of local residents even in the operations side, the related departments such as safety and environmental departments work together and we operate with emphasis on harmony with the surrounding environment.


Active Dissemination and Raising of Awareness pertaining to Environment and Recycling

PPLi was established in 1994 as the first disposal site management company for hazardous waste in Indonesia. Even today, it is the only company in Indonesia that provides comprehensive waste disposal service from collection/transportation to final treatment. Regarding the processing technology and know-hows that PPLi has been cultivating so far, there are many requests for consultation and education from administrative institutions, educational institutions, local communities and customers and it is through these that PPLi actively participates in the dissemination and awareness of environmental and recycling activities for each stakeholder.


Consideration to Culture and Religion

Understanding Islam is important for foreign companies doing business in Indonesia where the majority of the people are Muslims. Many Muslims have set up Mosques (place of worship) within their workplaces so that they can offer their prayers towards Mecca at a fixed time, five times a day. PPLi rebuilt the mosque in July 2015 and has been offering worship area for employees and visitors.


Mosque in PPLi

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