CSR Management
CSR Policy and Plan

The DOWA group started taking initiatives based on the CSR plan targeted for FY2020 from April 2015 of the first year of the mid-term management plan.

The concept of CSR plan and goals

Setting the “Vision for 2020” as the mid-term goal in the 4 priority areas of CSR policy, namely, corporate governance, safety, environment and society, we have set up the action plan for realizing it as a single-year initiative and goal considering it as a focus measure to be taken to achieve the goal. For details about sector-wise actual results and initiatives in FY2015, please see the field report from the next page.

CSR Policy and Plan

Vision for 2020

The "S + ESG" management based on the CSR policy has been established at each DOWA Group company and it has contributed to solving global social issues through minimizing management risk and improving corporate value.

Areas CSR Policy Mid-term Goal
“Vision for 2020”
Focus Measures Indicator Goal for
Activity Plan for FY2016
Initiative Goal
Corporate Governance

We will aim to be an open and transparent company.

We will endeavor in anti-corruption efforts including anti-bribery measures taking into consideration the international agreements.

We will take CSR into consideration in our procurement.

Healthy business management is promoted by ensuring sufficient functions, appropriate information disclosure and transparency in the internal control system.

Strengthening of internal control and governance No. of important deficiencies to be disclosed 0 Creation of internal control handbook Briefing sessions to senior executives and representatives Number of participants: 140 or more Distribution of translated version

corruption of any kind is promoted, by individual employees carrying out appropriate activities based on the “DOWA Group’s Values and Standards of Conduct”.

Strengthening of compliance and risk management Implementation rate of internal education and briefings 100% Support for internal control activities of domestic and verseas companies 10 companies domestic and overseas

CSR is promoted throughout the supply chain by building partnerships with business connections.

CSR procurement promotion Supplier survey coverage rate
*Excludes contractors
Transaction amount base 80% Supplier CSR audit More than 6 companies
Preparation of CSR audit procedure Same as left

All employees will take part spontaneously in safety activities to improve the level of health and safety in the workplace, based on our basic philosophy of “Safety is the top priority.”

We are committed to preventing accidents at work and supporting health of our employees.

The occupational safety risks of the workplace are managed and minimized appropriately, and a comfortable and safe working environment is realized.

Raising the bottom level of the company-wide safety Frequency rate 0.1 or less Strengthening of transverse initiatives in district units Frequency rate 0.9 or less
Severity rate 0.01 or less Severity rate 0.02 or less
Strengthening of safety education in subsidiaries outside Japan No. of times education is implemented Total 20 times Increase in the countries targeted for providing education and education by visiting Japan 4 countries or more
No. of persons educated Total 200 persons

We will provide customers with products and services that contribute to building a resourcerecycling society.

We will reduce environmental burdens and risks in our business activities.

The management and employees together take part in environmental conservation activities.

We will promote business activities considering biodiversity.

Responsible for the core of the international resources recycling network in Asia and the Pacific rim area.

Strengthening of recycle business: Collection volume / Recycling volume / Increase in no. of elements etc. Collection volume of materials for recycling Increase from the preceding fiscal year Strengthening of collection of materials for recycling outside Japan Increase from the preceding fiscal year

Effective reduction of CO2 emissions per unit has been achieved by various energy saving measures and active use of renewable energy.

Improving the utilization rate of renewable energy Strengthening energy saving initiatives Emission amount of CO2 emissions per unit 15% reduction as compared to FY1990 Promotion of renewal of energy-saving equipment at large-scale disposal sites Total greenhouse gas emission 1% reduction from the preceding fiscal year

The environmental risks of the workplace are managed properly, and environmental accident-generation risks are minimized.

Minimization of environmental accidents risk and strengthening of response capabilities *Environmental accidents: Incidents whose impact is felt outside the company, and reported to the competent administration No. of environmental accident occurrences 0 Mutual inspection of environmental management system 5 districts or more

Biodiversity conservation activities are promoted in collaboration with the upstream and downstream of the supply chain.

Understanding of biodiversity risks of suppliers Status confirmation of biodiversity consideration in mines Suppliers and mines survey rate 100% Formulation and execution of conservation action plan Plan formulation and execution

We will aim to create a workplace where diversity and human rights of employees are respected, and each person can demonstrate maximum capacity with satisfaction and pride.

While diverse human resources mutually respect each other, employees themselves select the diverse work styles commensurate with their respective life stages and styles, and the company and teams support each other.

Promoting diversity Employment rate of people with disabilities 2.0% Expansion of a global human resources layer Same as left
Attendance rate of education and promotion of participation by women 100% Strengthening and training of employees hired overseas and locally Same as left
Aggressive development of career and employment 2.0%
Implementation of training for female employees and managers 1 time each
Promoting work-life balance Annual paid leave acquisition rate 70% Thorough knowledge within the company of the various systems Same as left
Encouragement of annual leave 60%
Promotion of measures to reduce working hours Same as left

A culture of fair evaluation & treatment, and fostering is established, and employees experience growth, results and satisfaction. And, an organization in which employees compete with each other and support each other is created by the employees themselves.

Training of both appraisers and persons being appraised Strengthening in-house education of human resources Voluntary career development support for employees Employee satisfaction - Business planning system 90% Implementing training of appraisers and persons being appraised Appraisers and persons being appraised No. of participants in the training 600 persons
Conducting system surveys
- Educational system and details 70% Expanded education of the layer targeted for in-house education
Development of a training system for stratified education

We will promote social contribution appropriate with community standards together with local communities.

Social contributions reflecting each local community are deployed in Japan and outside Japan.

Promoting social contribution - - In-house knowledge of advanced cases Information sharing by portal site
Supporting business entity initiatives

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