
Focus Measures:Safety Activities of Business Entities outside Japan

Safety Conferences outside Japan

Safety Conference in China

The "Safety Conference in China" is being held every year since 2011. The management and employees in charge of safety from all the business entities in China participate in the conference. There they strive to share information through reports and discussions etc. on the most recent cases of accidents and disasters. Further, each business entity takes turns to host the conference, and cross-checking safety patrol sessions are conducted in the business entity which is hosting the conference, as a part of the safety conference program. Sharing of objective comments by persons in charge of different departments and business entities widens perspective, and results in the improvement of safety level in the entire district.


DOWA Safety Award in Thailand

Safety conferences started in Thailand from FY2014. At the "DOWA Safety Award in Thailand" conferences held at hotels in Bangkok in April, 2014 and January, 2015, there was participation from the business entities in Indonesia and China also, in addition to the participation from within Thailand. The local staff announced the achievements of the safety activities in each company in English.
Presentations were given on a wide range of themes, such as risk assessment, near miss incidents, 5S activities etc., and it resulted as a place of mutual learning. Further, since employees in charge of safety at each company met, it is also helping to create a network between employees in charge of safety beyond the framework of their own companies.


Global Risk Assessment Presentation

At the "4th Risk Assessment Presentation" held at the Tokyo headquarters in June 2014, around 50 employees in charge of safety gathered from various business entities in and outside Japan. 8 announcements were made. The overseas staff of Jiangxi Dowa Environmental Management Co., Ltd. and DOWA METALTECH (Thailand), which were rated highly at the respective safety conferences in China and Thailand, gave presentations on risk assessment examples and safety activities in the company. At the venue, opinions were exchanged actively on the initiatives at each company in each country, and it was an enriching presentation.
In future too, we will provide opportunities for training human resources responsible for occupational health and safety management at locations outside Japan, and for information exchange and learning in and outside Japan.


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