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The DOWA Group CSRCSR Management

Main Activities in 2012

The DOWA group sets up the goals of our CSR activities, based on our CSR Policy and Priority List of CSR.

Our focus in 2012 was Safety activities of our business establishments. As for Environment, our total emission of CO2 in 2012 increased by 9% as compared to the previous year, probably due to the increased CO2 emission factor of the electric power company. We will continue to reduce the emission. As for Society, we set forth and published our new policy on conflict minerals in SCR procurement. We also made efforts to educate our employees by opening the portal site in-house for their further understanding of CSR. We will continuously improve our CSR activities, referring to the results and progress statuses of our activities during the fiscal year.

Focus Goal Main Results Evaluation Page Issues for FY 2013
Safety Improvement of risk management

Starting up of the Group Safety Activity Project

Implementation of risk assessment and preparation of BCP (Business Continuity Plan) in all business establishments in Japan and abroad

Accomplished P.21-22 Implementation of the project across the whole holdings group companies.
Enhancement of safety education pro¬gram throughout the group Implementation of safety patrols (4 times/year) Accomplished P.21-22 Strengthening the programs outside Japan
Support for educational courses to experience risks (235 persons took the course.) Accomplished P.21-22 Continuation of the courses
Environment Global warming measures Emission of greenhouse gas: 1.49 million CO2 ton. Emission of greenhouse gas for domestic companies: 9% increase compared to .last year Unaccomplished P.40 Reduction of total amount of emission

Modal shift

Reduction of fuel through process improvement

Accomplished P.40 Promotion of information sharing on efforts within the group
Promoting resource-recycling

Expansion of precious metal recycling businesses in Asia (Full operation of Singapore plant)

Implementation of recycling and reuse of cerium, a glass grinding material

Accomplished P.11
Enhanced development of recycling technologies
Promoting environmentally-friendly products and new energy fields.

LCA of main products

Diagnostics of energy saving

Unaccomplished - Selection of LCA items
Conservation of biodiversity Survey on biodiversity and formulation of conservation guideline Unaccomplished -

Formulation of Biodiversity Conservation Policy

Promotion of Forest management (Planted 5,000 trees in Kosaka-machi, Akita Prefecture and promotion of forest management) Accomplished P.41 Continuous afforestation and forest management
Governance Strengthening of internal control and governance Support for internal control activities of newly added companies to our consolidated accounting (Six companies) Accomplished P.5 Enhancement of internal control of overseas business establishments
Promoting CSR procurement

Preparation of the basic policy on procuring conflict minerals

Obtained Certificate for the Gold Conflict-Free Smelter program from EICC-GeSI

Accomplished P.28 Formulation of CSR Procurement Policy
Society Promoting diversity management

Promoting the framework for employees regardless of nationality to work global

Revision of the re-employment system to hire experienced retired employees

Accomplished P.30 Promoting employment of disabled people
Promoting work-life balance

Support for obtaining leaves of absence/return to work

Implementing the questionnaire to the newly employed

Accomplished P.30 Preparation of action plans to support fostering the next generation
Contribution to local communities Holding and operating events with local communities (Marathon, ski competiion, cherry blossom festival) Accomplished P.26 Promoting social contribution, reflecting unique characteristics of each local community
Promoting in-house CSR education In-house portal site established Accomplished P.30 Improvement of the portal site

Our Vision to Fight Global Warming


The DOWA group set a new goal of "15% reduction of CO2 emission unit by 2020, compared to 1990 emission unit" according to the Action Plan to Implement Low Carbon Society by Nippon Keidanren (Japan Business Federation) and the Japan Mining Industry Association (published as of January 2013) as a measure to fight against global warming since 2013. We further strive to strengthen energy saving measures and fuel conversion in existing facilities and to promote use of renewable energy.

In the long term, we aim at being a carbon neutral company, thereby CO2 emission in connection with business activities is offset by reduction effect of global warming gases, through our efforts to reduce CO2 emission in business activities and reduce global warming gases in our CFC destruction business.

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